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Mask For COVID-19

I had no idea that collecting all of this fabric would be so important one day. It all started with my brother sending me a mask pattern and asking me if I could make the mask. Sure, I thought, if it has a pattern to follow I can do that. So, I printed the pattern out and followed the instructions watched Youtube videos for ideas and began to make the mask. I gave so many away at first, but then, people asked for the mask and sent me money to make them. So I decided if people were willing to pay for them way not get paid to make them. The orders came in so fast that I ran out of the popular fabric colors. I was amazed, God was providing all of my need as He promised in His Word. Philippians 4:19. Every day was a new day to use the gift that God had given me and my Mom taught me as a little girl that I had to provide something really important for health and safety. Mask to use to protect against the COVID-19 virus during this time in history. I had never experienced anything like this before. We, Had never experienced anything like this before. People all over the world were sick and dying. We were all Sheltering in Place, so to speak. Not going out unless you really needed to. Every Where In The World! I am grateful, however, that I was able to provide this protection for others. Now the stores are either out of the materials, elastic and other things that were used to make the mask or the store is just Temporarily Closed. My favorite store was Closed. But people still want mask. Mask that are personalized and hand picked. Mask that speak to who thery are. And I have enjoyed making them and seeing people wear the ones that I made. This is a time to remember, sadness, because so many people have died; Gods provision and mercy, family and friends, church family, and most of all for me God's Promises being fullfilled in my life. He promised that He would open a window and pour out a blessing that I didn't have room to received. Malachi 3:10 Yes, I had so many orders that I didn't have room to receive them. It has quieted down, not as many people are requesting masks, but God is still making provisions for me and for that I am grateful.

Mask For COVID-19 flyer, by Shawna McMillan

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